Episode 9 split the remaining Gaia into two different tribal councils, five (5) players each. Here is the breakdown of how the votes landed in Season 43, Episode 9. Noelle used her STEAL A VOTE Advantage to take Owen’s vote, reflected below.

Losing Group – Visits Tribal First

Cassidy – voted for Ryan
Cody – voted for Ryan
Gabler – voted for Ryan
Jesse – voted for Ryan
Ryan – voted for Cassidy

Ryan (4-1 Cassidy) is 2nd to be added to the Jury.

Winning Group – Second Tribal (Sees results of First Tribal)

James – voted for Owen
Karla – voted for James
Noelle – voted for James x2 with Steal a Vote (Owen’s)
Owen – No vote
Sami – voted for James

James (4-1 Owen) is 3rd to be added to the Jury.